Other Resources Frequently Used by Tech Support


A. Quick Links to the JAX Tech Support FAQ

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B. Charts and Articles

  1. Charts/Data
  2. Immunodeficient Strains Chart

  3. Articles of Interest
  4. a. Immunology and Cancer

    Immunodeficient Mouse and Xenograft Host Comparisons
    Immunodeficient Mice for Cancer Studies: Which Host Strain Should I Use?
    Choosing an Immunodeficient Mouse Model

    b. Metabolics

    7 Tips Every DIO Mice User Should Know

    c. Infectious Disease

    Inbred Mice: Genetic Tools for Modeling Infectious Diseases

    d. Essentials of Using Mice in Research

    BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ: How Can I Choose? I'm So Confused!
    Three Ways a B6J Mouse Differs from B6N and Why it Should Matter to Your Research
    Pros and Cons of ZNFs, TALENs, and CRISPR/Cas
    Going Beyond Cre-lox
    How to Time Mouse Pregnancy
    Comparison of Cre Reporters
    The Difference Between "Germ Free" and "Specific-Pathogen-Free" Mice
    Why it Took 2 Years for a Harvard Research Lab to Get Back to Research (Genetic Drift article)

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C. Protocols

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D. Quick Links to JAX Services:

  1. Breeding and Rederivation Services

    a. Breeding Services

    b. Rederivation

    c. Speed Congenic Service

    d. Speed Expansion Service

    e. Strain Rescue

    f. Genome Scanning

  2. Cryopreservation

    a. Sperm cryopreservation

    b. Embryo cryopreservation

    c. Sperm Cryo Kit

  3. Cryorecovery
  4. In Vivo Pharmacology Services

    a. Humanized mice

    i. CD34+
    ii. PBMC

    b. Therapeutic Antibody Evaluation Services

    c. Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) Models

    i. PDX Live
    ii. Mouse Tumor Biology Database

    d. Oncology

    e. Immunology

    f. Neurobiology

  5. Surgical and Preconditioning Services

    a. Aging Service

    b. Diet-Induced Obesity Models

    c. STZ-Induced Diabetes

    d. Surgical Services

    e. Timed Pregnant Mice

  6. Mouse Biospecimens

    a. Blood, Tissues, and Organs

    b. Embryos

    c. Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

  7. Donate a Strain (Frequently Asked Questions are at the bottom of the page)

    a. Sponsored Strain Distribution

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