JAX Surgical Services

Our expert surgeons are specially trained to perform surgeries on mice, using aseptic and atraumatic techniques that prevent operative complications permitting a smoother surgical recovery. All surgeries are performed in a laminar flow hood within HEPA-filtered, positive pressure suites to deliver surgically modified mice that are tailored for your specific research needs.

Surgical Procedures Offered:

Surgical Procedure


Adrenalectomy7 $79.37
Bilateral Brain Cannulation2
(care and use information)
Catheter, Jugular Vein with Vascular Access Button1,2
(care and use information)
Catheter, Carotid Artery with Vascular Access Button1,2
(care and use information)
Catheter, Carotid Artery with Vascular Access Button – MRI Compatible2
(care and use information)
Catheter, Jugular Vein with Vascular Access Button – MRI Compatible2
(care and use information)
Castration $68.88
Brain Cannulation - Lateral Ventricle2,6
(care and use information)
Brain Cannulation - Third Ventricle2,6
(care and use information)
Brain Cannulation – Custom2,6
(care and use information)
Brain Cannulation for Osmotic Pump - Lateral Ventricle2,6
(care and use information)
Brain Cannulation for Osmotic Pump - Third Ventricle2,6
(care and use information)
Brain Cannulation for Osmotic Pump - Custom2,6
(care and use information)
Microchip Insertion4 $44.15
Nephrectomy, Unilateral $86.07
3/4 Nephrectomy $198.50
5/6 Nephrectomy $231.90
Ovariectomy $69.35
Ovarian Transplantation $131.36
Splenectomy $75.29
Subcutaneous Hormone Implant4 $76.06
Telemetry - Temperature, Activity3,4,5 $167.22
Telemetry - ECG, Temperature, Activity3,4,5 $327.08
Telemetry - Blood Pressure, Activity3,4,5 $349.29
Telemetry - Blood Pressure, ECG3,4,5 $432.32
Telemetry - EEG + EMG, Activity3,4,5 $376.75
Telemetry - EEG, Temperature, Activity3,4,5 $299.45
Telemetry - EMG, Temperature, Activity3,4,5 $240.05
Thymectomy - Adult $122.21
Vasectomy $73.19
Sham Surgery 100% of regular price
  1. Carotid catheter is recommended for blood withdrawal. Jugular catheter is recommended for infusion of compounds. JAX provides the non-magnetic Silicone Mesh VAB as the standard. Mice with catheter are shipped individually housed.
  2. Mice must weigh a minimum of 20g for this procedure.
  3. Mice must weigh a minimum of 25g for this procedure.
  4. Customer supplies device or implant. All devices or implants must be shipped directly from the manufacturer to:

    The Jackson Laboratory
    Attn: Surgical Services
    600 Main Street
    Bar Harbor, Maine 04609

  5. Surgical Services do not assume responsibility for the refurbishing or repair of customer supplied implants. Should an issue arise during the procedure or the recovery of the animals, the implant will be removed and returned to the customer. The customer will not be invoiced for the procedure and cost of the mouse.
  6. Guide cannulas are placed using JAX standard coordinates or customer provided coordinates, relative to bregma. Actual location of injection target may vary depending on strain, size, or individual morphology.
  7. Adrenalectomized mice must be maintained on 1% saline as their drinking water.

*Surcharge is applied to all surgeries performed on obese mice.

Additional Information:

  • Price: The cost of the surgical procedure (does not include the cost of the mouse and shipping).
  • Shipping considerations: Shipment of surgically-altered mice to some geographical locations is restricted. Please check with the animal health and importation authorities within your organization for relevant regulations.
  • Mice: On rare occasion, due to housing room location or strain/stock characteristics, certain strains/stocks may not be available for surgical procedures. Availability will be communicated within 2 business days of order placement.

Health Reports

View our animal health statement for surgical suites.