Tools & Resources

Models Available

Emerging Models being created by CADR investigators and collaborators

Data Resources

All datasets developed by MODEL-AD are available from the AD Knowledge Portal.

Some data sets can be interrogated using the interactive MODEL-AD Explorer.

Data will be uploaded on an ongoing basis as experiments are completed.  To get notified of new data releases sign up for the AD Knowledge Portal Newsletter.


Expresses humanized Aβ1-42 with Swedish, Arctic and Austrian mutations. Read more

LOAD3 (late-onset AD 3)

Expresses humanized Aβ1-42, APOE4 and MAPT of H1 haplotype. Read more

Wild-derived AD panel

Amyloid strains that incorporate mouse natural genetic diversity.

B6.APP/PS1: Link to JAX ID: JAX ID 034832
WSB.APP/PS1: Link to JAX ID: JAX ID 025970
PWK.APP/PS1: Link to JAX ID: JAX ID 025971

AD-BXD panel

Alzheimer's disease mouse reference: