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Phenotype Data - FAQ


A. Phenotype FAQ

B. Mouse Phenome Database

C. On Datasheets

D. Other Data from JAX

E. Phenotype-Related Articles and Resources

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A. Phenotype FAQ

  1. Where can I find phenotype information? What is the phenotype of strain X? Why don't you have [x] information about this strain?

JMCRS focuses on maintenance and distribution of the strains, and ensuring their genetic integrity and high health status. For detailed phenotype information characteristics on the majority of strains (including detailed protocols), we refer to peer-reviewed, published reports. Tech support may also refer customers to our online strain datasheets or the Mouse Phenome Database for phenotype information.

Limited data for select strains can be found online in the Disease/Phenotype sections of those strains' datasheets.

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B. Mouse Phenome Database

The Mouse Phenome Database (MPD) has baseline phenotype data sets as well as studies of drug, diet, disease, and aging. It also includes protocols, projects, publications, and SNP, variation, and gene expression studies.

The Mouse Phenome Database has several datasets that can be searched by strain thatmay help answer questions such as:

How long does this strain live?

How much food do mice eat per day?

How much water do mice drink per day?

What is a normal body weight for this strain?

What are normal blood counts for this strain?

What are normal blood glucose levels for this strain?

We do not have answers to the questions above for all of our strains. The phenotype data you are seeking may or may not be available on our site or in the literature; we can provide starting points for your research.

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C. On Datasheets

Each strain datasheet has been curated in conjunction with the donating laboratory and offers a starting place for further research.

The Disease/Phenotype section contains data of potential interest. The Mammalian Phenotype Terms by Genotype links back to the primary literature describing the phenotype.

The Phenotype Information section may have data collected by JAX.

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D. Other Data from JAX

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E. Phenotype-Related Articles and Resources

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