Radu Marches, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Investigating changes in innate and adaptive immune cells in the contexts of aging and vaccination.

My research is focused on the study of epigenetic, transcriptional and splice-variant transcriptome changes in innate and adaptive immune cells in the context of aging and vaccination. The integrated genomic analysis is correlated with specific functional analyses involving the key innate and adaptive immune cell subsets and the magnitude of specific immune response of the vaccinated subjects. The overall goal is to determine the epigenetic factors and transcriptional alterations associated with immunosenescence, which is linked to a decline in the protective immunity including response to vaccination.

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Grants, honors and accomplishments

American Cancer Society (PI) ($431,000 Total) 1999-2002 Role of p21WAF-1 in cell cycle arrest of human B lymphomas 

Immunicon Corporation (PI) ($40,000 Total) 2001-2002 Longitudinal enumeration of circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic breast carcinoma 

NCI (Co-Pi, PI: Uhr) ($748,000 Total) 2005-2007 Isolation of human tumor cells in dormant cancer 2 

DOD (Co-PI, PI: Vitetta) ($849,000 Total) 2007-2009 Targeted delivery of carbon nanotubes to cancer cells 

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (Co-PI, PI: Vitetta) 2008-2009 Antibody-conjugated carbon nanotubes for selective photothermal ablation of human tumors