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2020 Presentations

2020 - Talks/Posters


1. Krishna Karuturi/ISMB, Talk title: Mentoring and Managing Staff in Bioinformatics Cores. July 2020

2. Krishna Karuturi/Data & Analytics Live, Talk title: Let's Work Together on This - Collaboration and Building Partnerships Between Data & Analytics Teams. July 2020

3. Gregg TeHennepe/Science of Team Science (SciTS) Virtual Conference, Talk title: Driving Scientific Discovery with Research Project Management. June 2020

4. Yi Li, Vivek Philip, Krishna Karuturi/Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS workshop, Talk title: Deep learning extracts novel MRI biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease progression, Dec 2020

5. Krishna Karuturi/ICCABS, Talk title: Multiple Hypothesis Correction for Heterogeneous Discrete Distributions: A Review, Dec 2020

6. Joshy George/Medpathology/Houston, TX, Talk title: Machine learning in Biology and Medicine. Feb 2020


1. Vivek Philip/Hao He/NIDA, Rockville, MD. Title: Genetic correlations and quantitative trait locus mapping reveals shared and unique mechanisms underlying addiction predisposing novelty response traits. Feb 2020

2. Michael Lloyd/Anuj Srivastava/Xingyi Woo, Houston, TX. Title: Increasing the Volocity of Team Data Science. Feb 2020.

3. Krishna Katuruti/Yue Zhao/Carolyn Paise/William Flynn/Joshy George, ISMB. Title: Prediction of tissue of origin and molecular subtypes for cancers of unknown primary (CUP) using machine learning. July 2020

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