The Alzheimer's Association has awarded Harpreet Kaur, Ph.D., a 2022 Research Fellowship grant.
Some people carry mutations that would usually predispose them to Alzheimer's disease but instead remain healthy. Now JAX researcher Catherine Kaczorowski is studying this phenomenon and identifying future approaches that may lead to resilience-based therapeutics.
Catherine Kaczorowski of JAX to launch study of genetic factors involved in sleep disturbances in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
MODEL-AD is working to develop and make accessible mouse models useful for Alzheimer's disease and dementia research.
During a recent JAXtaposition event, JAX experts discussed a novel protein that holds potential for therapeutics and the next steps in drug discovery for Alzheimer's disease.
The Alzheimer's Association awarded a grant to Jackson Laboratory researchers, Gareth Howell, Ph.D. and Kristen Onos, Ph.D., for their work deciphering microglial responses to amyloid and tau with wild-derived mice.
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