Available data

We have published numerous data from our studies. However, much interesting and valuable data remains unpublished. In this section of our website, we are making some of this data available. Feel free to download and use this information. Please credit this website as the source of the data. Currently, not all information is available on our website. We will be adding more periodically. Information currently available is listed in normal type. Information not yet available is listed in italic type. Please direct any questions about data to Dr. David Harrison.

 Email Dr. Harrison 

Treatment data

Activated lipid (HDL and LDL)

Table VI.9. C57BL/6J males and B6CBAT6F1 females: changes in weight among activated lipid fed, control, and colony control mice.
C57BL/6J Males
Activated Lipid Control Colony Control
Group (days)
30 Y 22.1 0.3 36
60 Y 23.6 0.4 12 26.3 0.4 12
90 Y 27 0.5 12 27.8 0.3 12 29.2 0.4 36
164 Y 29.8 0.7 12 30.4 0.6 12
210 Y 32.7 0.9 12 33.5 0.8 12 33.4 2.2 36
860 O 34.6 0.5 14 37.8 1.1 12 30.4 0.6 30
910 O 36.4 0.6 13 37.5 1.2 10
963 O 31 1 10 33.1 0.9 4
B6CBAT6F1 Females
30 Y 15.8 0.3 24
60 Y 18.4 0.2 12 18.9 0.3 12
90 Y 20.9 0.4 12 22.7 0.5 12 24.7 0.5 24
164 Y 24.3 0.5 12 25.5 0.7 12
210 Y 25.3 0.6 12 28.4 0.7 12 27.2 0.5 24
860 O 39.1 1 16 35.3 1.7 12 34.2 0.7 34
910 O 38.9 1.4 13 34.6 1.1 11
963 O 34.6 2 8 29.9 1.3 9
*- Young groups were fed activated lipid for 225 days and old groups were fed until death (at least 225 days)
The colony control is a larger group of mice which were weighed over several year and were treated similarly.
Figure VI.6. B6CBAT6F1 females: life span curves for activated lipid fed and control mice

Figure VI.6. B6CBAT6F1 females: life span curves for activated lipid fed and control mice.
Figure VI.7. Young mice (30 to 210 days): weight comparisons among lipid fed, control, and colony control mice

Figure VI.7. Young mice (30 to 210 days): weight comparisons among lipid fed, control, and colony control mice.

Figure VI.8. Old mice (860 to 963 days): weight comparisons among lipid fed, control, and colony control mice

Figure VI.8. Old mice (860 to 963 days): weight comparisons among lipid fed, control, and colony control mice.

Table VI.10. Biomarker values for young and old treated mice compared to controls
Young (129 DAYS) Old (927 DAYS)
Activated Lipid Controls Activated Lipid Controls
PS 123 4.5 12 118 4.8 12 104 3.5 12 112 6.4 11
TW 186 21 12 156 24 12 24 5 12 33 11 10
OF 124 10 12 128 9.3 12 87.1 6.8 12 89.8 6.9 10
BOLI 1.1 0.4 12 0.3 0.3 12 0.8 0.3 12 0.5 0.4 10
BW 27.6 0.4 12 28.1 0.3 12 36.4 0.6 12 37.5 1.2 10
TL 9.3 0.05 12 9.7 0.03 11 10.2 0.04 12 10.5 0.03 9
HR 94.7 3.2 12 63.6 10 12 28 6.3 12 27 8.2 7
HCT 51.4 0.6 12 51.7 0.3 12 37.5 0.8 12 37.7 1.4 9
HB 16.4 0.6 12 16.4 0.07 12 11.8 0.4 12 12 0.5 9
TTC 8.6 0.7 12 9.5 0.7 12 171 15 13 188.3 18 6
WH 16 1.9 12 18.9 2.7 12 29.4 3.9 12 42.5 7.2 4
LS 982 12 14 962 13.4 11
Systems assayed: 

Behavioral: PS=paw strength; TW=tight wire; OF=open field; BOLI=fecal boli deposited during test.

Physiological: BW=body weight; TL=tail length; HR=hair regrowth rate; HCT=hematocrit; HB=hemoglobin; TTC=tail collagen denaturation rate; WH=wound healing rate; LS=life span. 

Chromium picolinate

Figure VI.9. Life span curves: treated vs. controls

Figure VI.9. Life span curves: treated vs. controls

Figure VI.10. Food consumption: comparisons between treated mice and untreated controls

Figure VI.10. Food consumption: comparisons between treated mice and untreated controls

Figure VI.11. Weight: comparisons between treated mice and untreated controls

Figure VI.11. Weight: comparisons between treated mice and untreated controls

Figure VI.12. Tail length: comparisons between treated mice and untreated controls

Figure VI.12. Tail length: comparisons between treated mice and untreated controls

Distilled water

Figure VI.13. C57BL/6J males and females: combined life spans of treated and untreated mice
Figure VI.13. C57BL/6J males and females: combined life spans of treated and untreated mice

Figure VI.14. C57BL/6J males and females: weight comparisons of treated and untreated mice
Figure VI.14. C57BL/6J males and females: weight comparisons of treated and untreated mice

Figure VI.15. C57BL/6J males and females: tail length comparisons of treated and untreated mice

Figure VI.15. C57BL/6J males and females: tail length comparisons of treated and untreated mice


Figure VI.16. Effects of voluntary wheel running on life span

Exercise  Figure VI.16. Effects of voluntary wheel running on life span

Baseline life span data

1We have had many requests for baseline life span statistics for various mouse strains. Following are life span data for standard inbred laboratory strains and for other strains we have studied in the Harrison Lab.

Commonly used JAX Mice and crosses (Study 1 and Study 2)

Historical life span summaries for commonly used strains of JAX Mice and F1 hybrids from some of these mice.

Historical life span summaries for commonly used strains of JAX Mice and F1 hybrids from some of these mice.
All mice were virgins, with the exception of C57BL/6J retired male breeders. All were fed The Jackson Laboratory,
6% fat, pasteurized diet (96WA; Emory Morse, Old Guilford, CT) ad lib.
Date range when mice were born: Study 1, 1976-1980; Study 2, (1981-1983).
aF1 hybrid of C57BL/6J female and CBA/CaJ male.
bF1 hybrid of C57BL/6J female and CBA/CaH-T(14;15)6Ca/J male.
cF1 hybrid of C57BL/6J female and DBA/2J male.
dF1 hybrid of WB/ReJ KitW/J female and C57BL/6J male. (Wild-type animals used for study.)
eF1 hybrid of WC/ReJ KitlSl/J female and C57BL/6J male. (Wild-type animals used for study.)

Twelve strains of commonly used laboratory mice (Study 2)

Survival curves for females of 12 inbred strains of laboratory mice. For comparison purposes, Panel A includes all 12 strains. For clarity, Panels B, C, and D include subsets of Panel A data. For tabular data, refer to Table VI.2, below.

All strainsSubsets of ASubsets of ASubsets of ALife span data (in days) for females of 12 strains of laboratory mice.

Our diallele cross

Life spans of 5 inbred strains and 10 F1 hybrids made from those strains.

Our 4-way crosses, selected for life span
Mean 704.1 573.3 730.6 750.6 672.9 760.6 792.4 787.9 788.8
Median 738.0 595.0 732.0 806.5 711.0 744.5 810.0 857.0 835.0
Stdev 235.6 258.4 237.1 218.8 263.7 188.8 218.4 208.4 238.1
Stderr 35.1 48.0 27.7 47.8 56.2 32.9 44.6 47.8 54.6
n 46.0 30.0 74.0 22.0 23.0 34.0 25.0 19.0 19.0
max 40% 759-1164 667-1020 816-1214 838-1186 867-1028 801-1212 835-1122 900-1122 886-1172
max 10% 937-1164 906-1020 1059-1214 972 1186 994 1028 1113-1212 1074-1122 988-1122 1083-1172
av>500d 778.9 703.0 806.7 812.4 800.0 774.9 825.3 836.2 858.8
Mean 681.6 596.1 742.0 599.6 745.1 738.6 645.4 752.2 634.1
Median 675.5 599.0 777.0 632.0 778.5 726.0 668.0 760.5 582.5
Stdev 241.1 189.3 261.0 226.5 220.0 272.7 211.3 223.5 192.0
Stderr 36.8 42.3 29.4 50.7 50.5 39.4 51.6 50.0 40.9
n 44.0 21.0 80.0 21.0 20.0 49.0 26.0 20.0 22.0
max 40% 775-1322 669-1004 831-1203 693-1094 808-1127 816-1238 705-1052 827-1298 722-1012
max 10% 995-1322 854 1004 1078-1203 929 1094 1056 1127 1100-1238 953-1052 1021-1298 937-1012
av >500d 763.0 685.0 742.0 713.0 789.0 864.0 738.6 814.3 692.4
Mean 950.5 793.8 673.9 747.4 816.2 900.0 788.0 899.1 915.6
Median 979.5 893.0 699.0 772.5 825.5 960.0 833.0 870.5 933.0
Stdev 243.3 268.6 278.9 285.3 221.7 241.9 266.6 185.1 199.3
Stderr 36.3 51.7 32.0 62.3 46.2 40.3 53.3 40.4 45.7
n 46.0 28.0 77.0 22.0 24.0 37.0 26.0 21.0 19.0
max 40% 1026-1367 927-1139 808-1091 942-1052 916-1236 966-1248 863-1161 889-1231 935-1212
max 10% 1227-1367 1074-1139 974-1091 1045 1052 1224 1236 1160-1248 1148-1161 1230-1231 1143-1212
av>500d 967.2 891.4 799.2 856.6 874.1 933.3 874.8 899.1 915.6
Mean 912.1 851.1 767.9 763.6 756.3 951.5 876.6 927.5 944.0
Median 882.5 893.5 798.0 722.0 800.0 957.5 834.0 951.5 952.0
Stdev 247.6 228.6 270.2 247.7 252.2 248.4 266.9 142.6 147.3
Stderr 37.8 49.9 30.8 55.4 72.8 35.5 53.4 31.1 31.4
n 44.0 22.0 78.0 21.0 13.0 50.0 26.0 21.0 23.0
max 40% 999-1392 950-1270 840-1384 919-1317 938-1094 1055-1401 880-1403 995-1148 995-1203
max 10% 1261-1392 1139 1270 1080-1384 1063 1317 1094.0 1286-1401 1203-1403 1120-1148 1178-1203
av >500d 925.0 883.0 866.0 809.0 839.0 974.0 910.2 927.5 944.0

Figure VI.2. Mean life spans for 1ML and 2ML males and females.

Life spans of 1ML males

Life spans of 2ML males

Life spans of 1ML females

Life spans of 2ML females

Biomarker data

Table VI.5 provides 2 comparisons: 1) mice that were "Tested" vs. mice that were "Not tested"; 2) "Not tested" mice identified as moribund and necropsied vs. "Not necropsied" mice that were found dead and not necropsied. This second comparison indicates the accuracy of being able to identify old mice just before they die.

Table VI.5. Effects of biomarker testing on life span; the accuracy of identifying mice as moribund.
C57BL/6J M          
Tested   913 905 19 29 1031-1035
Not tested   948 899 37 26 1112-1163
Not necropsied   875 866 24 42 1082-1166
C57BL/6J F
Tested 869 844 26 34 1013-1077
Not tested 793 818 29 28 1048-1076
Not necropsied 849 827 23 40 1026-1149
Tested 833 827 26 32 1023-1079
Not tested 932 907 28 23 1092-1101
Not necropsied 953 910 26 37 1119-1164
Tested 954 927 22 31 1070-1119
Not tested 960 956 29 24 1160-1160
Not necropsied 1002 989 31 38 1203-1275
Tested 931 933 33 32 1179-1298
Not tested 1063 1065 46 20 1283-1326
Not necropsied 1009 997 30 41 1257-1309
Tested 967 971 25 31 1139-1210
Not tested 983 969 30 23 1163-1274
Not necropsied 981 982 22 43 1177-1331

Mice in good health at 480 days of age, when study began. Tested = non-lethal biomarker test battery at 16 and 22 months of age; necropsied when moribund. Not tested = unused, but necropsied when moribund. Not necropsied = unused. Both practice and demonstrated expertise are required to recognize when mice are moribund.

Table VI.6. Effects of biomarker testing (at 495 and 675 days) on life spans of mice.
C57BL/6J M 874.3 888 144.9 84 1045-1269
F 835.0 852 153.4 85 1019-1104
CBA/CAJ M 811.0 823 150.6 22 1014
F 917.5 911 145.6 22 1131-1139
CBA/H-T6J M 850.3 858 157.9 88 1060-1094
F 880.4 911 166.1 87 1067-1174
B6CBAF1 M 922.0 927 180.4 23 1192-1276
F 878.1 880 158.1 23 1127-1291
B6CBAT6F1 M 945.0 969.5 207.6 86 1195-1325
F 880.4 911 166.1 87 1069-1174
Table VI.7. Biomarker test results at 495 days.
B6 Female     B6 Male       CBA Female     CBA Male     F1 Female     Male    
Test  Mean  Stdev var Mean   Stdev  var  Mean  Stdev   n var  Mean  Stdev  var  Mean  Stdev  var  Mean  Stdev   n  var
PS 111.1 2.6 60 0.2 113.2 3.6 50 0.2 132.9 2.3 59 0.1 155 3.7 52 0.2 148 2.4 60 0.1 178 3.2 52 0.1
TW 84.9 8.1 71 0.8 82.9 8.9 62 0.9 174.4 7.2 72 0.4 109 7.4 65 0.6 205 7.3 72 0.3 131 9.7 62 0.6
OF 120.9 7.7 65 0.5 111.9 7.7 54 0.5 52.5 5.1 64 0.8 59.9 5.5 57 0.7 71.9 5.3 64 0.6 64.9 4 56 0.5
BOLI 1.4 0.2 65 1.4 0.83 0.2 54 1.6 7.3 0.3 64 0.4 5.4 0.3 57 0.4 4.8 0.3 64 0.5 3.7 0.3 56 0.6
WGT 28.9 0.5 72 0.2 33.9 3.3 62 0.8 31.7 0.4 72 0.1 37.2 0.4 65 0.1 31.3 0.5 72 0.1 40.1 0.5 64 0.1
AST 31.5 1.1 64 0.3 26.9 1.1 53 0.3 30.9 1.1 64 0.3 29.3 1.4 56 0.3 27.4 1.1 64 0.3 24.9 0.9 56 0.3
TL 10.1 0.1 29 0.1 10.4 0.1 27 0.1 10.3 0.1 28 0.1 10.6 0.1 29 0.1 10.4 0.1 28 0.1 10.9 0.1 28 0.1
HR 59.4 5.3 32 0.5 73.8 4.7 30 0.4 91.8 3.2 32 0.2 84.6 3.7 33 0.3 66.8 5.3 32 0.4 52.5 5.5 32 0.6
HCT 46.1 0.5 69 0.1 44.6 0.4 62 0.1 47.9 0.3 72 0.1 46.6 0.5 65 0.1 49.4 0.2 71 0.1 48.1 0.2 64 0.1
HB 14.8 0.2 67 0.1 14.3 0.2 58 0.1 15.8 0.2 68 0.1 15.1 0.2 61 0.1 16.2 0.1 68 0.1 15.9 0.2 60 0.1
UC 2553 73 56 0.2 2924 69 57 0.2 2623 62 59 0.2 2623 48 54 0.1 2830 81 58 0.2 3052 67 59 0.2
TTC 51.3 1.1 68 0.2 51.2 1.1 62 0.2 58.7 1.7 69 0.2 63.6 1.6 65 0.2 60.9 1.6 72 0.2 60.4 1.6 62 0.2
WH 22.2 0.8 46 0.2 18.6 0.8 41 0.3 24.7 1.4 49 0.4 25.9 1.1 45 0.3 16.2 0.5 52 0.2 15.4 0.4 42 0.2

PS=Paw Strength, TW=Tight Wire clinging time, OF=Open Field Activiy, BOLI=Fecal deposits during OF, WGT=Body Weight, AST=Avertin Sleeptime, TL=Tail Length, HR=Hair Regrowth after 25 days, HCT=Hematocrit, HB=Hemaglobin, UC=Urine Concentration Ability after 36 hours, TTC=Tail Tendon Collagen breaking tiime, WH=Wound Healing time after extraction of TTC.

Table VI.8. Biomarker test results at 675 days.

 B6 Female     B6 Male       CBA Female       CBA Male     F1 Female     F1 Male    
Test   Mean SD  var  Mean  SD  n  var  Mean SD   n  var  Mean  SD  n  var Mean   SD  n  var  Mean/th>  SD/th>  n/th>  var/th>
PS  114.1 2.9 50 0.2 103.6 2.6 45 0.2 129.1 2.2 52 0.1 141 3.5 48 0.2 145 2.2 58 0.1 171 2.9 46 0.1
TW  56 .2 7.6 58 1.1 51.8 6.8 57 0.9 141.5 8.6 61 0.5 96.7 6.9 55 0.5 174 9.2 68 0.4 123 11 54 0.6
OF  109.3 6.3 57 0.4 97.7 7.3 57 0.6 60.4 5.9 59 0.8 65.1 8.5 54 0.9 56.8 4.7 68 0.7 57.3 5.7 54 0.7
BOLI  1.8 0.2 58 1.0 0.7 0.2 57 1.7 6.7 0.3 59 0.4 5.3 0.4 54 0.5 5.4 0.3 68 0.4 3.4 0.3 54 0.6
WGT  32.3 0.8 58 0.2 33.8 0.6 57 0.1 31.2 0.4 58 0.1 34.5 0.4 55 0.1 34.7 0.5 68 0.1 39.8 0.5 54 0.1
AST  31 1.1 57 0.3 29.7 1 54 0.2 26.2 1.1 59 0.3 24.7 1.3 51 0.4 27.1 0.8 67 0.3 26 1 54 0.3
TL 10 .1 0.1 23 0.1 10.5 0.1 29 0.1 10.3 0 27 0.1 10.6 0.1 27 0.1 10.5 0.1 28 0.1 10.9 0.1 25 0.1
HR  60.7 6.2 24 0.5 44.69 6.8 29 0.8 88.5 5.3 26 0.3 81.9 6.5 26 0.4 60.9 6.2 28 0.5 41.4 5.9 25 0.7
HCT  44.4 0.6 57 0.1 43.9 0.4 56 0.1 45.9 0.4 58 0.1 45.8 0.8 52 0.1 47.9 0.3 67 0.1 47.1 0.6 54 0.1
HB  13.8 0.3 55 0.1 13.8 0.2 53 0.1 14.95 0.2 54 0.1 14.6 0.3 48 0.1 15.5 0.2 63 0.1 15.2 0.2 50 0.1
UC  2321 67 41 0.2 2604 72 46 0.2 2644.2 62 47 0.2 2514 68 46 0.9 2820 68 50 0.2 2995 65 44 0.1
TTC  87.6 3.6 55 0.3 83.6 6.1 54 0.5 90.4 2.8 57 0.2 125 5.8 51 0.3 107 3.6 67 0.3 109 4.1 54 0.3
WH  21.6 0.8 41 0.2 23.9 1 36 0.2 26.95 1.7 40 0.4 29 1.7 36 0.4 16.5 0.6 51 0.2 17.5 0.6 38 0.2
Figure VI.3. Life spans of C57BL/6J males and females.

Life spans of C57BL/6J males and females

Figure VI.4. Life spans of CBA/CaH-T(14;15)6Ca/J males and females

Life spans of CBA/CaH-T(14;15)6Ca/J males and females

Figure VI.5. Life spans of B6CBAT6F1 males and females

Life spans of B6CBAT6F1 males and females