Spring 2020
A study onboard the International Space Station will help scientists understand how to prevent muscle and bone loss in astronauts during space flight.
The genome editing tool, Casilio, can be used to efficiently remove methyl groups from DNA and activate expression of methylation-silenced genes in experimental systems. Casilio was created by Jackson Laboratory Assistant Professor Albert Cheng.
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has made a three-year grant to support JAX-GE advanced courses for talented graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and early-career faculty who will be future leaders in biomedical research and education.
JAX, UConn researchers explore how patients’ microbiome, and risk of infection, change after time in a skilled nursing facility.
Genomic research has made tremendous progress over the past decade. So what are the next steps, especially for bringing research discoveries into the clinic?
Understanding SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and more
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