Real Research
Dive in to the research world without leaving your computer. Take a tour of the lab and learn from scientists about the different types of work they do.
Using Mouse Models in Biomedical Research
Learn about the important mouse models maintained at The Jackson Laboratory to study disease in humans. Presented by Kristin Cough from JAX Veterinary Services.
Covid-19 Information
Integral to our mission to improve human health, JAX is committed to helping address the coronavirus pandemic as rapidly as possible.
A Day in the Lab Life of a Stem Cell Scientist
Take a walk in the shoes of Dan Cortes-Perez, MD/Ph.D. as he guides us through the lab space where he does his research as a postdoctoral fellow. See for yourself what it looks like to work in a mouse cell culture lab!
Biology Meets Math
Postdoctoral fellow Ali Foroughi pour, Ph.D. is an engineer and mathematician by training, and now studies cancer. He shares his research project and ways math and computational tools can be used to advance problems in biomedicine.
Research Helping Those in Need
In this video you'll hear from a family living with a rare bone disease and learn about the impact the Mighty Mice in Space research project has on the medical world and therapeutic opportunities.
The Biology & Research of Cancer
Muneer Hasham, Ph.D. introduces the field of cancer research and highlights the importance of mouse modeling.
Minute to Understanding: Small videos with big content
Minute to Understanding videos are bite-sized science features from the Jackson Laboratory to help people learn basic terms and keep up with the latest breakthroughs.
A Conversation with Mighty Mice Researchers
They sent Mighty Mice to space, now hear from researchers Se-Jin Lee, M.D., PhD. and Emily Germain-Lee, M.D. about how their out-of-this-world experiment can help humans with muscle and bone disease. Tune in live to ask your own questions!
A Trip To Space! What Is It Like?
Learn about life aboard the International Space Station, and how research is done in space. An interactive discussion presented by the Challenger Center for Space Science Education in Bangor, ME.
Outbreak Science: Using Mouse Models for COVID-19 Research
Learn about the K18 mouse model and its application to therapeutic development for COVID-19. Cat Lutz, Ph.D., M.B.A. has over 25 years of experience in the field of mouse genetics and working with patient foundations on developing mouse models for the research community.
Sending Mighty Mice to Space
JAX Professor Se-Jin Lee, M.D., Ph.D. presents the out-of-this-world story of how his discovery of the myostatin gene, a critical component of muscle growth, lead to genetically engineered “mighty mice” spending time on the International Space Station.