Tenure-track or equivalent investigators (PhD or MD) at any career stage are eligible to apply. Individuals from NIH-defined historically marginalized communities are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants are expected to be employed full-time at their home institution.
We offer two tracks for participants depending on the nature of their research questions, the resources needed, and the schedules of both the applicant and the host laboratory.
Two-week tracks are ideal for exchanging research expertise and ideas, learning a technique, and for learning more about JAX’s unique resources to build future collaborations. Individuals participating in this track will receive travel and lodging support. Support for training-related expenses will be provided. Travel and lodging support for an accompanying trainee will also be provided.
Three-month tracks are ideal for providing more extended immersive training and collaboration, building new skill sets to take back to a home institution, or executing longer-term experiments that leverage the unique resources and capabilities of JAX. Individuals participating in this track will receive travel and lodging support and a research budget of up to $25K.
Individuals on all tracks will receive office and laboratory space within the host laboratory as appropriate to the proposed activities, as well as access to research resources, equipment, and core services through their host laboratory. They will also be immersed in JAX’s vibrant research environment and are invited to give and attend scientific seminars, journal clubs and interest groups while they are on campus.
Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants whose goals and research interests align well with a host lab will then be contacted for follow-up planning. We encourage applicants to contact JAX researchers they may be interested in collaborating with prior to applying but, if needed, applicants can request assistance in identifying a host laboratory in the application. The Visiting Scientist Program staff will provide assistance with travel and lodging arrangements.
A Research Summary: In two pages or less, please provide a concise description that includes:
Your research interests and background.
Your specific goals and objectives for the visit to JAX.
The full application template may be downloaded here. Once complete please email to visitingscientistapplication@jax.org.
Learn more about JAX research programs and investigators.
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Questions about the program?
Email visitingscientistapplication@jax.org
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