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Assistant Professor Vivek Kumar, Ph.D. gave a TED-style talk on addiction as part of the Laboratory’s JAXtaposition speaker series.
New funding and partnerships are helping JAX’s Molly Bogue accelerate progress in addiction research.
The NIH has made a five-year grant totaling $11,714,623 to The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) to create a new Center for Systems Neurogenetics of Addiction headed by Associate Professor Elissa Chesler.
Postdoctoral Associate Price Dickson, Ph.D., is working to discover the genetic underpinnings that make individuals susceptible or resistant to addiction in the face of chronic stress.
Rather than treating addiction as a personal failure, Assistant Professor Vivek Kumar, Ph.D., shows how genetics prove addiction to instead be a chronic brain disease.
JAX Assistant Professor Vivek Kumar will use the five-year grant to pinpoint genetic variants that increase susceptibility to addiction.
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