Fischer is the Genomic Tumor Board Manager for MCGI. Fischer assumed his current role in July 2022 with previous experience as a COVID-19 program coordinator and a background in medicine.
Fischer assumed his current role at the Maine Cancer Genomics Initiative in July 2022. He joined JAX in November 2021 as COVID-19 program coordinator. His primary background is in medicine, having graduated from Medical School at Charité in Berlin, Germany, in 2015. After several years of residency in internal medicine and oncology, he relocated to Maine in 2019. Additionally, Fischer has research background in genetics and has participated in several research projects, including one resulting in a first-author publication. After relocating to Maine, he completed an MBA at Husson University in Bangor. Fischer supports MCGI as Tumor Board Manager; including leading the efforts with SWOG on a large-scale tumor board study.
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