Career advice from The Jackson Laboratory community.
Networking can be easy and fun if you are smart about how you start making connections and expanding your professional network.
As a postdoc searching for employment outside of academia, all of the different options seem incredible yet daunting at the same time. How do I know which job is right for me? How can I possibly use my Ph.D. for anything outside of academia?
This one simple activity will help you recognize the expertise you gained during graduate school and postdoctoral research.
Self-reflection is probably the most crucial part of a successful job search strategy.
Do science PhDs develop skills organically during their PhD programs that are necessary for success across occupations?
Have you set your career goals? The pursuit of postdoctoral training is often independent of a clear career goal.
It keeps you up at night. You try to think about other things, but it usually comes back to the same conclusion.
PhDs in science are employed in a wide range of occupations, including and outside of the professoriate.
Learn how to access the hidden job market and gain referrals for the best jobs in your field.
Be sure to mark your calendars for The Whole Scientist course, sponsored by The Jackson Laboratory. It's coming up on May 24-27, 2016 in beautiful Bar Harbor, Maine.
Just what is the difference between a CV and a resume? Melanie Sinche explains.
Use this approach to let the employer know that you are serious about the position and represent a candidate worthy of an interview.
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