Brian Hoffmann, Ph.D.


At The Jackson Laboratory our laboratory focuses on bringing state-of-the-art protein, metabolite, and lipid analyses to research groups.

Protein Sciences (PS) comprises services and expertise related to mass spectrometric characterization of biomolecules and antibody generation, protein production/isolation. Methods in each of these areas can be customized to meet project needs. PS supports investigator projects from conceptualization and planning through to the collection and final reporting of data. The Mass Spectrometry and Protein Chemistry Service (MSPC) employs multiple platforms for the high-throughput mass spectrometric identification of proteins, small-molecule metabolites, and lipids in homogenized liquid samples or in conjunction with spatial mass spectrometry imaging in situ. Monoclonal Antibody and Protein Production (MAPP) performs monoclonal and polyclonal antibody generation, recombinant protein production, and chromatographic isolation of both recombinant proteins and endogenous proteins. The Services also offer support for preparing manuscript text that describes the methods, analyses, and data interpretation.

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Education and experience

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 9/01/2010 - 8/31/2014
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering Center

University of Wisconsin- Madison, WI, 8/2005 - 9/2010
PhD, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology

Saint Norbert College, De Pere, WI, 8/2001 – 5/2005
BS, Biology and Chemistry